AI Assistant


Aporia - AI Control Platform, Aporia provides real-time guardrails and security features for Gen AI integrity and hallucinations mitigation.
aporia.com Product Information

What is aporia.com ?

Aporia - AI Control Platform, Aporia provides real-time guardrails and security features for Gen AI integrity and hallucinations mitigation. The platform ensures reliable and on-target Gen AI responses by enforcing company policies, protecting intellectual property, and ensuring compliance.

Additionally, it offers off-topic detection to safely navigate Gen AI conversations, profanity prevention, and NSFW content filtering for tasteful interactions. With data leakage prevention and SQL security enforcement, Aporia safeguards company data by detecting and anonymizing sensitive information.

Developers can also benefit from features like session explorer, cost tracking, and customizable dashboards for production ML monitoring. Aporia's DDC offers direct data connectors for monitoring billions of predictions and root cause analysis, while its observability features enhance efficiency and explainable AI for better understanding and trust.

aporia.com's Use Cases


Ensure the integrity of AI-generated responses in real-time, enforcing company policies, protecting intellectual property, and ensuring compliance with Aporia's guardrails and security features.


Empower developers with session exploration, cost tracking, and customizable dashboards for effective production ML monitoring on Aporia's platform, enhancing operational efficiency and decision-making.


Safeguard company data from leakage and sensitive information exposure through Aporia's data leakage prevention, SQL security enforcement, and anonymization capabilities, ensuring data privacy and compliance.

aporia.com's Pricing

Starter $99/mo

Professional $499/mo

Enterprise custom

FAQ from aporia.com

What can aporia.com do in brief?

Aporia is an AI control platform at aporia.com that guarantees Gen AI integrity through policy enforcement, data protection, and compliance enhancement. It provides advanced features like off-topic detection, profanity prevention, and data leakage prevention for secure and reliable AI interactions.

How can I get started with aporia.com?

Getting started with aporia.com is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.

Can I use aporia.com for free?

aporia.com uses a Subscription pricing model

Who is aporia.com for?

The typical users of aporia.com include:
  • Ai developers
  • Compliance officers
  • Data privacy teams
  • Businesses and organizations

Does aporia.com have an API?

Yes, aporia.com provides an API that developers can use to integrate its AI capabilities into their own applications.

Where can I find aporia.com on social media?

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