

CustomerPing – This AI pings you when it finds new customers for you | CustomerPing
Create your own "radar station" that continuously scans the Internet to find new customers for your business. Get a notification when there's a match.
CustomerPing Product Information

What is CustomerPing ?

CustomerPing is an AI tool that helps you find new customers by listening to online conversations and sending relevant pings.By joining the conversation, you can connect with people who have problems your business can solve.

Stop wasting time sifting through forums manually and let AI bring potential customers to you.Set up your radar station to tell the AI what topics are relevant to your business, and get notified when a match is found.

React to pings, engage in conversations, and build trust with potential customers.CustomerPing offers a user-friendly interface and customizable settings to streamline your customer discovery process.Sign up for free and only pay for the credits you use to keep the AI listening.

Start automating your customer prospecting today with CustomerPing.

CustomerPing's Use Cases


Identify potential leads in online conversations related to your business niche by setting up specific keywords and topics for CustomerPing to monitor, saving you time and effort in manual lead generation processes.


Engage with users seeking solutions that your business can provide by receiving real-time notifications from CustomerPing when a relevant conversation occurs, allowing you to join discussions and showcase your expertise.


Automatically expand your customer base by leveraging AI-powered CustomerPing to actively listen to online conversations, connect with prospects, and nurture relationships without extensive manual monitoring.

FAQ from CustomerPing

What can CustomerPing do in brief?

CustomerPing an AI-powered tool designed to simplify the process of monitoring online conversations for businesses seeking potential customers with relevant issues. By simply setting up preferences, receiving notifications, and engaging easily, businesses can streamline their customer discovery process.

How can I get started with CustomerPing?

Getting started with CustomerPing is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.

Can I use CustomerPing for free?

CustomerPing uses a Freemium pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.

Who is CustomerPing for?

The typical users of CustomerPing include:
  • Business owners
  • Marketing teams
  • Sales teams
  • Customer support teams

Where can I find CustomerPing on social media?

Follow CustomerPing on social media to stay updated with the latest news and features:

How popular is CustomerPing?

CustomerPing enjoys a popularity rating of 3.64/10 on our platform as of today compared to other tools. Specific monthly traffic data may not be available yet on our platform.