
AstroVision - Astrology API <br><br>AstroVision provides modern businesses with astrology data APIs to integrate intuitive cosmic insights i
Divinatr Product Information

What is Divinatr ?

AstroVision - Astrology API

AstroVision provides modern businesses with astrology data APIs to integrate intuitive cosmic insights into their services. With features like sky forecasts, astro travel compatibility matches, zodiac sign profiles, and auspicious dates, businesses can offer personalized astrology services to enhance user engagement.

Divinatr's Use Cases


Integrate AstroVision's sky forecasts API into a weather app to provide users with personalized daily horoscope predictions based on their zodiac sign and current astrological transits.


Develop a travel compatibility matching feature using AstroVision's API to recommend ideal travel destinations and experiences based on the astrological profiles of individuals or groups.


Utilize AstroVision's auspicious dates API to create a feature in a calendar app that highlights favorable dates for important events, meetings, or personal milestones based on astrological insights.

FAQ from Divinatr

What can Divinatr do in brief?

AstroVision offers astrology data APIs for businesses to integrate cosmic insights like sky forecasts, zodiac profiles, and auspicious dates. Enhance user engagement with personalized astrology services using modern data-driven solutions.

How can I get started with Divinatr?

Getting started with Divinatr is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.

Can I use Divinatr for free?

Divinatr uses a Freemium pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.

Who is Divinatr for?

The typical users of Divinatr include:
  • Businesses
  • Developers

Does Divinatr have an API?

Yes, Divinatr provides an API that developers can use to integrate its AI capabilities into their own applications.

Where can I find Divinatr on social media?

Follow Divinatr on social media to stay updated with the latest news and features:

How popular is Divinatr?

Divinatr enjoys a popularity rating of 3.05/10 on our platform as of today compared to other tools. It receives an estimated average of 681 visits per month, indicating interest and engagement among users.