
Waspnote is an AI-powered note-taking tool that enhances productivity for students and professionals. With the ability to capture ideas effo
Waspnote Product Information

What is Waspnote ?

Waspnote is an AI-powered note-taking tool that enhances productivity for students and professionals. With the ability to capture ideas effortlessly using voice notes, organize them with AI-driven summaries, and manage them through intuitive search functions, Waspnote offers a user-friendly platform for maximum creativity and efficiency.

Users can easily access maps within notes, take notes on PDF files, add events to timelines, and utilize a custom dictionary. With smart features like AI-based tools, intelligent summaries, and secure document scanning, Waspnote revolutionizes the note-taking process.

Waspnote's Use Cases


Students can quickly capture lecture notes using voice notes with Waspnote, allowing for effortless organization and retrieval of key information during study sessions.


Professionals can utilize Waspnote to create AI-driven summaries of meeting notes, enabling efficient decision-making and action planning based on key points and insights.


Waspnote's intuitive search functions enable users to easily find specific information within their notes, saving time and increasing productivity in both academic and professional settings.

FAQ from Waspnote

What can Waspnote do in brief?

Waspnote is an AI-enhanced note-taking tool that captures voice notes, provides summaries, and offers intuitive search. It boosts creativity and efficiency through features like map integration, PDF note-taking, custom dictionary, device syncing, sharing, and PDF export for collaboration.

How can I get started with Waspnote?

Getting started with Waspnote is easy! Simply visit the official website and sign up for an account to start.

Can I use Waspnote for free?

Waspnote uses a Free trial pricing model , meaning there is a free tier along with other options.

Who is Waspnote for?

The typical users of Waspnote include:
  • Knowledge workers
  • Students
  • Researchers
  • Content creators
  • Professionals
  • Collaborative teams

Where can I find Waspnote on social media?

Follow Waspnote on social media to stay updated with the latest news and features:

How popular is Waspnote?

Waspnote enjoys a popularity rating of 3.77/10 on our platform as of today compared to other tools. It receives an estimated average of 3.2K visits per month, indicating interest and engagement among users.